Varamin Villa

Title : Varamin Villa
Design Team : Deniz Ebrahimi Azar-Yasaman Foroutan
Client : Mr. Rahmani
Status : In Progress
Location : Varamin-Tehran,Iran.

Area : 100 m2
Design Completion : 2020

Peace Pavilion

Title : Peace Pavilion
Design Team : Deniz Ebrahimi Azar-Yasaman Foroutan
Client : Kaira Looro Organization
Location : Sedhiou,Senegal-Africa.
Status : Competition
Area : 300 m2
Design Completion : 2019

A House for an Architect

Title :House For An Architect
Design Team:Deniz Ebrahimi Azar-Yasaman Foroutan
Client : Ms.Dehghan
Location : Yazd
Area : 350 m2
Design Completion : 2017


Title : Shrine
Design Team: Pejman Shokouhi-Deniz Ebrahimi Azar-
Yasaman Foroutan
Status : Honorable Mention

Client : Abbasabad Renovation Organization
Location : Ab-o-Atash Park
Area : 300 m2
Design Completion : 2015

Museum of Knowledge

Title : Museum of Knowledge
Design Team: Pejman shokouhi-Deniz Ebrahimi azar-Yasaman Foroutan
Status : Honorable Mention
Client : Archasm Organisation
Location : Chandigarh,India
Area : 2500 m2
Design Completion : 2015